Letters of Marcellin – 106

Marcellin Champagnat


This letter is not in Fr. Champagnats handwriting, but it is signed by him. Since there is no address on the outside, it was no doubt carried by the brothers going to St. Paul. In fact, the Founder wrote in the account book on 24th April 1837: Given to Bro. Andronic, going to St-Paul: 1 franc; given to Bro. Colomban, leaving for St-Paul: 1 franc; given to Bro. Victor, going to St-Paul: 400 francs (LC 1, p. 87).

N.D. de lHermitage, 24th April 1837

Jesus, Mary, Joseph

Father and esteemed Superior,

Here we are again recommending to your kindness those of our brothers whom conscription forces to go to you in order to claim exemption. We entrust them to your charity with the most sincere pleasure and satisfaction, hoping that under your wise direction they will advance more and more in piety and in the practice of the Christian and religious virtues.

The service you do us will never be erased from our memory. The Society of Mary, having received such special assistance from your charitable establishment, owes you eternal gratitude, and Mary, our common Mother, will not let your tenderness and your solicitude toward her children go unrewarded.

His Lordship the bishop of Belley has just given us another new proof of his goodness and generosity by taking care of our documents for Paris. We are hoping for a great deal from the month of Mary. May we dare ask you to join your prayers to ours that everything will work out according to Gods will?

Please accept the respect with which I have the honor to be, Father and venerable Superior, your most devoted servant,


P.S. Perhaps Bro. Cyprien could return here; we really need him.

Edition: Translation from: Lettres de Marcellin J. B. Champagnat (1789-1840) Fondateur de l?Institut des Frères Maristes, présentés par Frère Paul Sester,1985.

fonte: Daprès lexpédition, AFM, 112.5


Letters of Marcellin - 072...


Letters of Marcellin - 116...