Letters of Marcellin – 237

Marcellin Champagnat


Having received a letter dated 3rd July 1838, from Fr. Hector, the curate, co-signed by Fr. Mosnier, parish priest of Saint-Lattier, Bro. François answers the latter on the 10th of the same month:

I have the honor to inform you that your request has been entered in the register of establishments to be made, but its position leaves you several more years to wait. As soon as your turn comes, we will hasten to further your generous zeal and that of your worthy parishioners for the education of their children (RCLA, 1, p. 92, nº 104).

On the 28th of that month, the Bishop of Grenoble strongly seconds the request (cf. L. 207). On 5th January 1839, Fr. Hector writes again, to let you know how work is progressing on our house for the brothers whom we are expecting from your Institute and to let him know also about the favorable attitude of the council and the townspeople.... With that backing, plus the support of the bishop and the favorable opinion of the sub-prefect, he becomes insistent about having brothers for that All Saints. He certainly must not have been very happy with either the tone or the content of this reply from the Founder. We may also wonder if was actually written by the Founder. In any case, it will not discourage Fr. Hector, who will return to the attack on 31st May (cf. L. 256).


In reply to your last letter, we can only repeat what we had the honor to tell you in our letter of 10th July 1838, Nº 104. Your request has been taken into consideration and entered in our register as Nº10. As soon as its turn comes, we will hasten to
fill it, but at present it would be impossible for us to give you a very precise date. The actual situation of our house, notwithstanding the number of subjects who are coming to us, does not allow us to multiply our promises for new establishments.

Be assured, etc….

Edition: Translation from: Lettres de Marcellin J. B. Champagnat (1789-1840) Fondateur de l?Institut des Frères Maristes, présentés par Frère Paul Sester,1985.

fonte: Daprès la minute, AFM, RCLA 1, pp. 119-120, nº 138


Letters of Marcellin - 236...


Letters of Marcellin - 240...