Letters of Marcellin – 272

Marcellin Champagnat


The tone of this letter is markedly different from that of October 1838 (L. 222). The establishment has been in operation for a year, and it is evident that the reality does not correspond to the promises which had been given. None the less, the Founder sends a fourth brother to join Brothers Jean-Baptiste, Africain and Marie-Laurent (AA, p. 258). This would be Brother Chaumont, since on 28th October 1839, Fr. Champagnat gave him 125 francs to go to St-Pol (RC 1, p. 135). The first three had not come to the Hermitage for the retreat and vacation because of the smallness of their salary, which could not cover the expense. The brothers working in the North made their yearly retreat in St-Pol until 1845 (AA, p. 258).

Father Dean,

Here we are on the eve of sending another brother to St-Pol, which upsets us greatly, since we had rather expected that the area would at least be able to recruit for itself. The smallness of the salary does not allow us to pay travel expenses. I thought we had agreed you would pay them; without that we could not maintain your establishment. The residence has not been provided as promised. The school is not endowed. It even appears that the civil authorities are opposed to it. I am going to write to Mr. Delebecque about this, since it was under his auspices that we founded this establishment.

Accept, etc….


Edition: Translation from: Lettres de Marcellin J. B. Champagnat (1789-1840) Fondateur de l?Institut des Frères Maristes, présentés par Frère Paul Sester,1985.

fonte: Daprès la minute AFM, RCLA, 1, p. 134, nº 166


Letters of Marcellin - 270...


Letters of Marcellin - 273...