2009-11-03 CANADA

Marial devotion

It was in the enchanting setting of the Appalachians, with the Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help of Saint-Damien, marial exposition took place from 7th. to 14th October 2009.

This community, founded in rural Quebec in 1892, by the Abbé Joseph-Onésime Brousseau and Virginie Fournier (Mother St. Bernard) experienced an important development in the Appalachian region, Quebec and beyond Canada into the following countries: Dominican Republic, Burkina Faso, Niger, Bolivia, Peru, Nicaragua, Haiti and Porto Rico, where they arte still working today.

These Sisters have experience misery, cold demanding work, isolation and fires. The ?Deus providebit?, God will provide, the Founder?s motto has enabled them to get through these trials.. Fr. Brousseau has to be called agricultural missionary, colonisator and parish priest/founder of Saint-Damien. His name is inscribed in the Dictionnaire des gens célèbres du Canada. Mother St. Bernard does not remain in the shadows as she is recognized as foundress, a woman full of love, a humble mountain flower.

The family spirit, marial devotion, love of work and the type of life of this congregation is oddly similar to that which characterizes the Marist Brothers. Moreover, several of these Sisters, have either brothers, uncles or cousins with the Marist Brothers; they were happy to recount to me their happy memories

Some hundreds of visitors have come to this Expo from all over the region: St. Lazare. St. Damien, St. Hénédine, St. Nérée, Honfluer, Buckland, Armagh? Some even came from Montreal, Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Levis, St.Anne de la Pocatière, Thefford-Mines, St. Férréol des Neiges?

A group of fifteen youth were captivated by all the statues of Mary. ?The account of certain of Mary?s apparitions has affected them for the rest of their lives,? confided the Sister who accompanied them.

Thanks to the Sisters who helped me to put up this exposition and tact it down again so easily and quickly.

Thanks to Brs. Gaston, Guy and Raphael for their availability and their patience with my shifting the exhibits around

Here are a few comments which will no doubt edify you.

* What a magnificent Marial Exposition! Congratulations
Benoît Allaire, Priest.

* We have spent a great day. And what is greatest is to finish it with Mary
Group from St Férréol des Neige

* A very fine exposition which tells us that the Blessed Virgin always has her place
in the whole world under different titles. May she wrap us in her maternal protection and help us to live like her in total confidence on Providence.
Françoise Lavallée NDPS

* How unforgettable was the memory of seeing Br. Benoît again after fifty years and so many memories of his teaching and sustained application to ensure the success and formation of his pupils. I am happy to stress the teaching of the Marist Brothers who have given so much to the community Chicoutimi. Deepest thanks for the values which have been inculcated into me during the course of my time at the Academy at Chicoutimi. With my deepest gratitude.
Jacques Langlois, Quebec.

* Magnificent! What a greeting to Mary throughout the entire world! For me it is a Pilgrimage. It is thus that I envisaged this exposition. Especial thanks to all those who made it happen. How beautiful it is!
Rose Helene Asseline, St. Nérée

* I have experienced Mary, Mother of God. She is beautiful and pure
Laurie, years old.

* Thank you for this magnificent Marial Exposition. What work such an activity demands! Congratulation on your love of the Blessed Virgin, and, especially for the desire you live to make her known. May the Virgin of Perpetual Help guide you and give you the health to continue this fine mission. Gisèle Beaudoin NDPS

* I have begun to read the book ?The Conversion of Mary? which you exposition has revealed to us. This book by Bernard Beaudin, FMS, presents Mary in a new way. Thanks to the author and you.
Hugette NDPS

* It takes one?s breath away! After this visit I would like to compose a litany especially for Mary. Congratulations on the presentation. Andréa Massé NDPS

* What can be said of this unique Exposition? How fine it is. Better. How heavenly! It is a light for the eyes and a gift for the heart. Bravo and thanks for coming to our home at Damien to present us what you have in your heart.
Charline Morin NDPS

* After having visited your Marial Exposition twice, I have resourced myself through Mary, Mother of God. Congratulations for the energy you have dedicated to making Mary known and loved.
André Lacasse.

* Congratulations for having realized this magnificent exposition. It revitalized my devotion to the Virgin Mary and must surely do good to all those who have visited it. Thank you for having given us this opportunity!
S. Alice Bergeron.

* Warm thanks for the opportunity of this visit so fine and enriching. I have learnt many details I did not know about Mary. It was for me an extraordinary visit. Thank you for your sympathetic welcome.
Laurette Chabot

Br. Paul-André Lavoie,
Château-Richer, 19-10-2009


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