Marist Formation in Central America
?ForMar? is the name given to sixteen-day meetings organized by Formación Marista. The meetings are for teachers, youth ministers and members of the Champagnat Fraternities. Five such meetings have been held.
The fifth and most recent one was attended by fifty eight participants, coming from Marist apostolic works in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Puerto Rico. The meeting was held in Guatemala from November 14 to 29, 2007.
The activities of the meeting touched upon themes such as: self awareness; personal experience; Marist spirituality; Champagnat and charism; education; Marist apostolate. During the meeting, time was given over to: personal reflection; formation; group activities; recreation; and prayer experiences. Overall, the meeting was perceived as very positive, at the personal level and as to what it will contribute to our apostolates.
Brother Luis Carlos Gutiérrez Blanco, fms