Lavalla200> Siracusa, Italy


Syracusa:  A small coastal city on the south-east side of Sicily, not far from the port of Augusta. Initially, their outreach was to recently-arrived migrants, mainly African, especially unaccompanied minors. Now they have established a centre, called CIAO. in the centre of the city where they offer education programs (esp. Italian language) to immigrants of all backgrounds, counselling, arts and crafts, and simply companionship. The centre also offers pro bono legal support and other specialised assistance for migrants. They work closely with other organisations and the local church. They run an extended summer holiday program for children. The community has also become involved in arranging housing for some young migrants so that they can continue their studies or local employment. The community lives in an apartment close to the CIAO.

See photos here

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Community Members:

Giorgio Banaudi fms, Ricky Gomez fms, Enrique Muñoz, Juan Antonio Muñoz Cruz