2010-09-19 BRAZIL

Marist Solidarity Mission

Moved by the fundamental call of the XXI General Chapter: « With Mary, go in haste to a new land », we, the postulants of the Province « Brasil Centro-Norte », set out in July in search of new lands. We formed two missions of solidarity. One group of postulants – Demilton, Fábio, FabrĂ­cio and Gustavo ? with religious of the Society of Mary (Fathers, Sisters, and Marist laity), went to Palmas do Monte Alto (Bahia) where the Fathers do pastoral work. The postulant Dener took part with lay people and the students of the Marist school, SĂŁo JosĂ© de Montes Claros ? Minas Gerais, ? in missionary work in the « quilombola » community, Brejo dos Crioulos, commune of Varzelândia ? MG. Some members of the Faith and Joy Foundation also joined us. After the mission, the postulants Dener, Fábio and Washington took part with Br. Rubens in the 6th Meeting of Ecclesial Base Communities, held at Montes Claros, which is in the spirit of our mission.We went to the places forgotten by society, by politicians and Church leaders, where the people struggle for survival. We met poor families, young people who leave in search of work, children without medical, educational and social support. We also visited the camps of the « Movement of Landless People », where the « tenants » are of « quilombola » origin (blacks). In those places, there is a struggle over land, taken by speculators and the great landowners.Faced with the experiences lived during the mission, we see the resurrection at work in the people, day after day. It was the same with Jesus. In setting up his tent among us, he plunged into human reality, thus linking the divine to humanity.We have met the people, we have become aware of their work on the land. We have shared our lives and our dreams, we have prayed together. Certain communities had been shut down? We celebrated with the people, we felt their joy and their faith. Among us there have been signs of God?s love: people have evangelised us and we in our turn have evangelised them.It was a profound time of meeting God who reveals himself in the people: people who struggle and work, who carry in their hearts simplicity and the desire for liberation.We thank God and all the persons who helped us make this mission. Our heart is in accord with our baptism, in the service of God and his Kingdom; our vocation has been strengthened by it.______________Belo Horizonte, 2 August 2010


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