2021-08-23 GENERAL HOUSE

Meeting brings together pastoral ministers from more than 20 Marist institutions of higher education

Online event seeks to generate dialogue between pastoral initiatives of the Marist International Network of IES.

On the 25th of August, from 9am to 11am (Brasilia time), the 1st Pastoral Meeting of the member institutions of the Marist International Network of Institutions of Higher Education will be held online, through Zoom. Based on the theme Resonances of the Global Education Pact in the pastoral methodology of the Marist Institutions of Higher Education, the event aims to provide space for reflection on the Global Education Pact and its calls – launched by Pope Francis in 2019 – for the Marist Institutions of Higher Education, and also aims to assume a movement of dialogue and rapprochement between ministers, teachers and collaborators who work in pastoral care and similar actions in each of these institutions.  

The programme will be opened by Curate Gustavo Hass, from PUCRS, and will include the participation of the Superior General of the Marist Institute, Brother Ernesto Sánchez, directly from the General House of the Marist Institute in Rome, who will make the initial reflection. Afterwards, the meeting will be led by Fr. Luiz Carlos Susin, from PUCRS, who will speak in depth on the theme of the Global Education Pact. David Hall, from the Australian Catholic University and member of the Executive Committee of the Marist International Network of IES, will bring the perspectives and challenges of IES confronting the Pact. The event will also be attended by Brother Marcelo Bonhemberger, pro-Rector of Institutional Identity of the PUCRS and Brother Rogério Renato Mateucci, Pr-Rector of Mission, Identity and Extension of the PUCPR.

Opening of a new path

“There is a great expectation that this event will be the first of many other possibilities for dialogue and joint work,” says Rafael Rosseto, from the Pastoral Coordination of the PUCRS and one of the organisers of the event. We are looking for the potential of building bridges and the setting up of a pastoral day capable of enhancing the actions already developed in each Marist IES,” he says.

As part of a series of events organised for the Marist International Network of IES, the 1st Pastoral Meeting is also the first in a series of events that seek to generate new spaces for dialogue between educators and researchers from these institutions and to strengthen existing connections. “After this first meeting, there is the possibility of developing collaborative projects in the different perspectives of formation, solidarity and spirituality,” says Rosseto.

To share in the 1st Meeting of Pastoral Ministries of the Marist International Network of Institutions of Higher Education.

Zoom link: https://pucrs.zoom.us/j/97201403933?pwd=L1hNWUs2SEJBbklTR0hqTDB5OFd0Zz09
Meeting ID: 972 0140 3933
Password: 697145

More information about the Marist International Network of IES here


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