Objectives of the 3rd Phase of the International Forum

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Rome – November 2022
Lay Marist Vocation

For our November 2022 meeting, we have set the following orientation and objectives :

Together as lay women, lay men, and brothers, around Mary and Marcellin and in harmony with the Holy Spirit, we want to…

  1. To live a profound experience of Global Charismatic Family in communion, co-responsibility and a spirit of discernment.
  2. To become aware of the current reality of the Marist laity and to plan for its future.
  3. To reflect on the contributions of the Administrative Units in relation to the four objectives of the International Forum, with emphasis on objectives 3 and 4.
  4. To seek consensus on the key themes for the future of the Marist laity, based on the four objectives of the Forum, to be deepened, elaborated and decided at the virtual Forum of 2024.
  5. Suggest ways to plan and organise the next steps of the Forum for the years 2023 and 2024: teams, themes, deadlines, methodology…