2006-07-11 SPAIN

Presence of Religious Life at this meeting

The news agency IVICON underlines the participation of the consecrated life at the 5th World Meeting of the Family which took place at the Feria de Muestras of Valencia from the 4th to the 7th July. Religious were present at the theological and pastoral Congress and at the meeting of families. Some lay movements linked to these religious congregations participated in its organisation at the diocesan level and in the religious communities who prayed for the success of this meeting.

The reports section of the congress which spoke of grandparents made mention of the intervention of Sister Guillermette Marie Counot, a French religious who is the national head of the commission Aged Persons of the Association of religious present in the domain of health. She spoke of the solitude and abandonment of grandparents. The Little Sisters of the Poor also participated in the meeting.

As well, at the theological and pastoral Congress of the family, there was a fair with 150 stands which represented institutions and associations including those who look after communications in the Church. Some of these groups belong to religious congregations such as the Order of Saint John of God, the Theresian Institution, the Foundation for Franciscan Action and the Legionnaires of Christ. e press was represented by the Pauline and Salesian publishing houses.

Finally, many religious centres opened their doors and installations to welcome the participants to the meeting. Some came especially to Valencia on Saturday to welcome Pope Benedict XVI.


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