Province East Asia
13 Temporary Professed Brothers in Active Ministry of the East Asia Province had their second gathering on November 2014 in Tamontaka, Philippines. During the apostolic year, three gatherings are scheduled. Each gathering has a different focus. This time, the aim of the meeting was to continue reflecting on how a young religious can maintain the balance of community life, apostolic life and prayer life; and, to support, strengthen, and affirm one another as brothers.
Br. Wenceslao Paterno, the community leader of the Novitiate community, shared his experiences of harmonizing prayer, community, and apostolic life. On the other hand, Br. Lindley Sionosa, the Master of Novices, guided the young brothers in a process of reflection. The gathering was a great opportunity for the young brothers to share about what they have been through in past few months, after the first gathering in August. Guide questions were given in order to stay focused and directed. Each brother was able to recognize the reality, and the challenge they are facing as young religious.