Province East Central Africa
The preparatory commission of the VIth Provincial Chapter of PACE (Province Afrique Centre-Est) has gathered in Kigali – Rwanda, to finalize the preparations for the coming Provincial Chapter (11 – 14 December 2018).
After the first gathering, the commission launched a survey among the brothers and communities of the Province, in order to get the current strengths and the challenges of the Province. This second meeting, the commission had time to work on the feedback from the communities and brothers, in order to highlight the work that the Chapter delegates need to address.
The logo chosen for this Chapter, was designed by a teacher from the Inst. Mobateli in Kinshasa, Dem. Rep. of Congo, Mr Chérubin Omba, and it represents our Province being carried by the hands of Jesus, and where the tree (our Province) has its roots. United as one Province, brothers working in the Central Africa Republic, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya and Rwanda, are the different branches of this tree, which is englobed in our mother earth, as part of one global family.
The theme for the Chapter was also selected as: “Marist Today, growing in communion”. And is it also accompanied by a quotation that challenges us, from the Gospel of St Matthew: “So by their fruits you will know them” (Mt 7:20).
Members of the preparatory commission: Brothers Albert Nzabonaliba, Adolphe Paluku, Jean Bosco Uwizeyimana, Teodoro Grageda and Masumbuko Mununguri.