2019-07-24 BRAZIL

Province of Brasil Centro-Norte

Br. Fábio Soares, of the Province of Brasil Centro-Norte, made his perpetual profession in the Institute on 20 July, in the parish of Nossa Senhora da Conceição, in Ceará-Mirim, Rio Grande do Norte. On June 22, Brother Dener Rodrigues, in Silvânia, Goiás, also gave his definitive yes to the ideal of Saint Marcellin. Brother Ataíde José de Lima, Provincial Superior, in the name of the Superior General, received the vows of the two brothers.

Brother Dener discovered his vocation to Marist life thanks to his contact with the Marist learning institution, Padre Lancísio, where he volunteers and cares for vulnerable children and adolescents. He is currently working in Salvador as an educational advisor in the Marist College of Patamares and as provincial advisor to the Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family.

Br. Fábio discovered his vocation through youth ministry in his parish. Currently, he is part of the Communidad Marista Madre Germana de Aparecida de Goiânia. He works in the Centre for Marist Infant Education "Divino Pai Eterno" and in the coordination of vocation ministry in the region.


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