2014-02-04 NIGERIA

Province of Nigeria

From 4 to 8 January at Orlu, the VIII Provincial Chapter of Nigeria took place. Br. Ernesto Sánchez participated representing the General Council.  Br. Joachim Ezetulugo started his second term as Provincial, and these Brothers were elected Provincial Councilors: Mark Omede, Christopher Onwasonanya, Joachim Ezetulugo, Ifeanyi Mbaegbu, Celestine Okoye and Philip Mate.Below you have the message from the capitulants.

We, the Capitulants, Lay Marists, and other Observers of the VIIProvincial Chapter, held at Orlu, Imo State from 4 – 8January, 2014, after deliberation, expressed the following chapter message:

1. Marist Brothers’ religious life in Nigeria today

* There was a call for re-invigoration of our personal and community prayer life.

2. Marist Brothers’ community life in Nigeria today

* We need to balance our community life and apostolate.

* There is also need for co-operative and collaborative effort on the part of every Brother.

* Dynamism, innovation and objectivity will contribute a great deal to growth and harmony in our Communities.


3. Marist Brothers’ mission in Nigeria today

* There is urgent need for strict adherence to Provincial financial and educational policies. Furthermore, a call was made for diversification in terms of manpower resources and management.

* On-going infrastructural projects in the Province need to be completed. 

4. Vocations

It was agreed that we should intensify vocation recruitment strategies and screening of candidates.

5. Initial formation/on-going formation

* There is need to provide adequate infrastructure in our formation houses for sound spiritual and intellectual formation of the candidates

* The need to have a full-time Postulant Master and a Director of formation respectively was emphasized.
This will enable each of them to be focused on the job.

6. Brothers and laity searching for a greater vitality of Marist mission in Nigeria.

* It was agreed that the most positive approach to this issue is awareness-raising among   Brothers and Lay people on the vocation of the Lay Marist.

7. Provincial house

* It was unanimously agreed that there should be a suitable Provincial Secretariat and Provincial house at Iva Valley Enugu.


VIII Provincial Chapter Delegates.


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