2012-07-16 SCOTLAND

Province of West Central Europe


Brother Philip McGee made his first vows as a Marist Brother on Saturday 30th June in St Simon’s parish church, Glasgow, Scotland. Philip was warmly supported by over 100 of his family, friends and the brothers. Brother Brendan Geary, Provincial, received Philip’s vows. The service was both solemn and joyful. People commented on three very powerful and emotional moments during the ceremony: Philip taking his vows, the assembled brothers standing and renewing their vows together and the vibrant singing of the Salve.

Brother Stephen Smyth gave a short reflection. He described joining a religious order today as a “brave decision” on the part of both the applicant and of the community.

Brother Brendan thanked all who came along to support Philip and the brothers. He thanked especially Brother Rob Clark, Novice Master, and the brothers of the USA for their dedicated work and support over the last two years. Brendan also presented Philip with an icon of “Mary Theotokos” (Mary, Mother of God) to mark the occasion.

After the service most of the guests gathered in St Peter’s church hall for an excellent buffet lunch. Then, in the evening, the brothers gathered in Marist House for a further prayerful and social celebration to end this joyful and significant day.

Brother Stephen Smyth


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