2022-12-27 BRAZIL

Retreat of the Province of Brasil Centro-Norte

About eighty Marist Brothers gathered in Belo Horizonte from December 18 to 24 to reflect on what it means to be a Marist Brother and how to continue confidently and perseveringly in the mission of being faithful to the precepts of Saint Marcellin Champagnat.

The retreat was animated by Brother Ă“scar MartĂ­n Vicario, General Councilor link for the “AmĂ©rica Sur” Region, with the theme “Living passionately our being Marist today”.

During the retreat two events stood out: the official opening of a new Marist community in Januária, state of Minas Gerais, and the perpetual profession of Brother Leonardo Stoch, who on December 23rd definitively embraced consecrated life as a Marist Brother.


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