2021-11-05 GENERAL HOUSE

Secretariat Brothers Today met Vocation Animators

The Brothers Today Secretariat convened the Vocation Animators of the whole Institute on October 26, 2021. The online meeting was intended to:

  • Share with them vision of the Year of Marist Vocations as the Brothers Today Secretariat has developed it;
  • Listen to their comments, suggestions, recommendations, and,
  • Begin the process of forming a Network of Vocation Ministers in the Institute.

The first part of the meeting was a short introduction of each one. Afterwards, the Secretariat Brothers Today presented the plan for the Year of Marist Vocations. This was followed by the sharing in breakout groups. The echoes of which were heard in the plenary later.

26 brothers and lay Marists were able to attend the meeting. Br. Óscar Martin and Br. João Carlos do Prado, General Councilors, were also present, while simultaneous translation was provided by Br. Luis Sobrado.


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