2024-04-10 GENERAL HOUSE

Statistical data of the Marist Brothers presented to the Vatican

The General Secretariat of the Institute has presented to the Vatican the statistical report concerning the situation on December 31, 2023. According to the census carried out by the Statistics Department of the General House, the total number of Marist Brothers at the end of last year was 2,427, of whom 2,158 are perpetually professed and 269 have temporary profession.

The data collected for 2023 also shows that on December 31st there were 41 novices and during 2023 there were 45 first professions and 26 perpetual professions in the Institute. During 2023, 97 brothers died.

The number of Brothers on December 31, 2023, by Administrative Unit, is as follows:

  1. Afrique Centre-Est: 88
  2. América Central: 76
  3. Asia: 25
  4. Brasil Centro-Norte: 88
  5. Brasil Centro-Sul: 74
  6. Brasil Sul-AmazĂ´nia: 99
  7. Canadá: 60
  8. Compostela: 143
  9. Cruz del Sur: 61
  10. East Asia: 87
  11. Hermitage: 199
  12. Ibérica: 114
  13. Madagascar: 56
  14. Mediterránea: 138
  15. MĂ©xico Central: 67
  16. MĂ©xico Occidental: 118
  17. Nigeria: 123
  18. Norandina: 94
  19. Santa MarĂ­a de los Andes: 62
  20. South Asia: 51
  21. Southern Africa: 98
  22. Star of the Sea: 252
  23. United States of America: 100.
  24. West Africa: 87
  25. West Central Europe: 67

In this PDF, prepared by Diugar Enrique Madera Buscarini, from the Secretariat for Education and Evangelization, you will find detailed statistical data on the age of the brothers in the Institute.

Numbers in the Church

The Vatican recently released the Annuario Pontificio 2024, published by the Church’s Central Statistical Office, which provides information on the life of the Catholic Church in the world from December 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023. The number of baptized Catholics worldwide increased from 1.376 billion in 2021 to 1.390 billion in 2022, a relative increase of 1.0%. The number of bishops during the biennium 2021-2022 rose from 5,340 to 5,353. The global number of priests in the world in 2022 decreased by 142 units compared to 2021, from 407,872 to 407,730. The number of permanent deacons increased by 2% in 2022 compared to the previous year, from 49,176 to 50,150.

About the professed religious (brothers), there were 49,774 units in 2021 and they fell to 49,414 in 2022. The decline should be attributed, in order of importance, to the European group, the African group and the Oceanian group, while, conversely, in Asia these numbers have increased and also in America.

Professed women religious form a more consistent population: in 2022 they exceeded the number of priests on the planet by almost 47%, but they are currently declining. Globally, they went from 608,958 in 2021 to 599,228 in 2022, a decrease of 1.6%.
Source: vaticannews.va


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