2006-05-25 ITALY

The 2006 Mid-Life Spirituality Program

The town of Manziana is situated in the hills to the NW of Rome; about one hour?s drive from the capital and close to the scenic Lake Bracciano.
In 1993 the renovations to our Spirituality Centre (formerly the Juniorate for the Italian Province) were completed and the first Mid-Life Spirituality Program of 5 months, commenced. Since then these programs together with Third Age Renewal Programs (10 Weeks) for older Brothers have been held each year. Most of the programs have been in English but since 1999,Third Age Programs in Spanish have also been a regular event.

We are now into the final quarter of the 2006 Mid-Life Spirituality Program (English) with 14 Brothers (including one ordained Marianist) and 3 team members (Director, Assistant Director and Chaplain). In total we represent 13 different countries. The International character of our community is a richness for brotherhood and for personal development. Living with Brothers from different languages and cultures provides plenty of opportunity to stretch one?s perspective on life, to question one?s own attitudes and values and to use this time for personal on-going formation.

The Brothers on this program have divided themselves into 3 Reflection Groups (for regular process work). After 4 weeks into the current course and following the presentations on MID-LIFE SPIRITUALITY from Don Bisson FMS, the groups met to reflect and pray about their beliefs (VISION) and resolutions (MISSION) for their time here together. Below are their Vision Statements.

At this stage of Mid-life, we believe in the unconditional love of God and His constant and active presence in our lives. Our human limitations sometimes blind us to this truth. However, we firmly believe that ultimately, we ourselves are personally responsible for our growth through a Christ-centred prayer life.

At this time of discerning about life in our Mid-life journey, we believe that we are unique and created in the image of God. We accept who we are with our strengths and weaknesses; called to internalize and embrace our true selves. In the light of this reality, we willingly accept the process of conversion in order to engage more closely in our relationship with God and with others.

We believe in the total disposition of ourselves to the whole program while conscious that the movement of the Spirit will enable us to find our true selves with humility, in the way of Christ.


The Brother Superior General?s diary...


Mr Fernando Orellana Ramos...