2006-06-16 GENERAL HOUSE

The General Council takes the pulse of the finances of the Institute

The International Council of Economic Affairs (ICEA) met at the General House from the 5th to the 11th June.
Its members are: Antonio Martínez, (Econome General), Guy Palandre (Assistant to the General Administration), Darío Bortolini (Province of Brasil Centro-Sul), Joël Capon-Thiébaut (L?Hermitage), Alberto Oribe (Ibérica), Carlos A. Huidobro (Cruz del Sur) and Víctor Preciado (México Occidental). Brother Carlos A. Huidobro has completed his statuary period of service and was replaced by Brother Víctor Preciado for a first three-year period.

The principal themes covered were the following:

– Study of the 2005 financial report and the 2006 budget of the General Administration.
– Follow up of investments of the General Administration.
– Financial autonomy of the Provinces having less economic resources.
– Solidarity funds and the Formation Funds of the Institute for the countries experiencing financial difficulties.
– Financing of the General Administration throughout the coming three-year period.

Financing of the General Administration
The General Administration groups its expenses under two categories:
– ordinary management
– solidarity

For the ordinary management, there are four sources of income: the contribution of each Province known under the name of the ?per capita?, the gains of funds proper to the General Administration, the contribution to the chapter of solidarity for compensating the ?per capita? of Provinces who cannot pay it and finally, other income such as rents, the ?Casa per Ferie?, etc.

The amount of solidarity coming from voluntary contributions of the Provinces. The surplus of each year is placed in the 20th General Chapter Fund, which, when it reaches the planned amount, will finance the budgets of poorer Provinces with its interest.

Meeting with the General Council
The members of the ICEA met the General Council on two occasions. The exchanges and the reflections provided for a global vision of the economic situation of the Institute so as to be able to better conceive its financial policy throughout the coming years and in order to harmonise better the economic viability of the Institute with the spirit of Marcellin.
The subjects that have a great impact on the finances of the Institute are: its geographical displacement in the world, the restructuring of Provinces which has produced a greater internationalisation, the new dimension contributed by the project ?mission ad gentes? and its economic repercussions, the culture of solidarity and the need to encourage sharing as sons of the same family.


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