2024-04-20 GENERAL HOUSE

The Launching of the Document “In the Footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat: Marist Educational Mission”

On the last day of the MIMA III, on April 14, 2024, the official launch of the Second Edition of In the Footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat: Marist Educational Missionhad taken place at El Escorial, Spain, and was attended by participants from various Marist regions and provinces.  The event that featured Br. Ernesto Sánchez, Br. Luis Carlos Gutiérrez, Br. Kenh MacDonald and Br. Ben Consigli was organized by Br. Niño Pizarro of the Secretariat of Education and Evagelization on behalf of the MIMA III preparatory commission.

The program, led by Br. Nino and Ms. Erin Kelly, from the United States, had twofold aims:

  • to inspire all Marists of Champagnat with the new edition of the document, which was viewed as a dynamic resource, capable of inspiring and encouraging all Marists to remain receptive to new realities and to interpret and apply its principles within each of the Marist mission areas;
  • to foster encouragement and inspiration, urging all Marists of Champagnat to integrate the document into their respective ministries.

The highlights of the program included the following:

  • an inspirational message and the significance of the document within the Marist global community from Br. Ernesto;
  • the message on the significance of the document in our Mission or ministries from Brothers Luis Carlos and Ken;
  • the video presentation about the document which provided a general glimpse about the whole document;
  • the message on practical strategies for effectively utilizing the newly revised document from Br. Ben; and,
  • the symbolic book signing by the Superior General and the giving of hard copies to the participants that represented the document’s approval by the General Council and the Institute’s endorsement.

The event was formally closed by José Sánchez, director of the Secretariat of Education and Evangelization. The final segment of the program was the singing of the closing song, “Tu Serás Hoy Champagnat”.

In one way or another, the messages, symbolic gesture of the book signing and the community singing had helped many to be deeply moved and to realize that it was a new beginning that signifies a renewed commitment to be Champagnat today, to bring life and hope to Children and young people, wherever they may be.

You can access all the resource materials about this document here.



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