Australia covers 2,948,366 sq. mi. and has a population of 20 million people. The Marist brothers have two Administrative Units in the country: Melbourne and Sydney.
The Melbourne Province, with Brother Paul Gilchrist as Provincial, has 100 brothers in 18 communities. The Sector of India, with 26 brothers in three communities and also a community of brothers in East Timor are attached to this Province.
The Sydney Province has 217 brothers in 29 communities. Brother John Thompson is Provincial. The District of Melanesia (more news from that part of the Marist world in future issues) and our mission involving two brothers in Cambodia are dependent on this Province.
These two Provinces work together in many areas and are carrying out several joint ventures, especially in the field of solidarity, youth ministry, formation, and educational programs and networks (see the interview with Brother Michael Green, President of the Association of Australian Marist Schools, in Marist Bulletin 129), enriching our Marist life in Australia, and welcoming the involvement of other countries in this part of the Marist world.