2021-03-24 BRAZIL

The Marist hospital of Porto Alegre paid tribute to health professional

One year after the first case of Coronavirus was diagnosed in Brazil, the Hospital SĂŁo Lucas, belonging to the Brasil Sul-AmazĂ´nia province, paid tribute to the health professionals who are at the forefront of the battle against Covid-19, through the screening of a very significant video on the reasons that inspire the entire team to continue their work. Among these motivations are love of work, empathy, compassion and courage.

On behalf of the academic community, the Rector of PUCRS, Br Evilázio Teixeira, highlighted the University’s recognition: “We are very proud and very grateful to all the health and education professionals who offer their time, knowledge and energy to save lives, promote knowledge and ensure education. One of the challenges for human beings is to combine work and care. These are not contradictory, but complementary. And during these 365 days there has been no shortage of compelling and inspiring examples of care in all dimensions of our university and our hospital”.

The video shows a series of actions taken by the hospital to raise awareness in society about pandemic care and the recognition of the professionals who continue to serve the community.

Leandro Firme, general director of the SĂŁo Lucas Hospital of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), mentioned that this is a moment in which human beings are fragile, the tribute is a sign of empathy with the life of the collaborator, “who has been totally available to care for so many people, especially in this period, which is one of the most serious of the pandemic”.


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