?The Periphery is today the center of the Marist world?
Brother Emili Turú, Superior General, celebrated the Bicentenary of the Foundation of the Institute accompanied by the Marists of Bangladesh. He participated in the inauguration of the School Saint Marcelin, built for the children of the workers of the tea plantations. The importance of his presence remains embodied in his words: “The periphery is today the center of the Marist world”.
Brother Eugenio Sanz Uwavutse writes the following on the inauguration of the Marist work:
"We have just opened the High School in Giasnogor. It has been the summit of a long journey of the conception, preparation, fund raising, and construction, recruitment of professors and pupils, formation of professors, etc. Now begins a new stage, the concrete realization of the educational project with the boys and girls of the tea plantations.
But these days we have counted on the presence of Brother Emili Turú. Before leaving Bangladesh, Brother Emili has left us some words full of sense for us. He said he liked our project because it is a CLEAR PROPOSAL which opts for the intercultural (in our school there are Bengali, Mandi, Urao, Karia, Tripura, Kashia professors and pupils), the interreligious (Muslims, Hindus, Christians) and the inter-congregational ecclesial work (collaboration Marist Brothers, Marist Missionary Sisters, the Religious of the Holy Cross).
As he wrote in one of his posts in Facebook commenting on a photo of the group of the first professors of our school: First Marist Professors in Bangladesh: Christians, Muslims, and Hindus, for a better world”.