2006-02-14 SPAIN

The profile of a Marist executive

In the 3rd and 4th February, the First Meeting of Executive Teams of the Marist Province of Mediterránea corresponding to the zones of Spain took place in Granada, Spain. About one hundred participants took part, almost all of those who had been invited: mainly directors, heads of studies and ministry delegates, representing the seventeen schools of the Province.

The contents of the topics were: ?The executives of educational centres?, ?The profile of a Marist executive? and ?The current state of education in Spain.? Through presentations and group work the following questions were also covered: What must a person in a position of responsibility in a school take into account? What line of work does he have to follow? How can collegial work be animated? What types of centres must be promoted?

The inauguration of these days was entrusted to Brother Manuel Jorques, Provincial. Among the presenters was Mr Senador Pallero, expert in pedagogy and university professor who spoke on the shape of schools? executive teams. Brother Emilio TurĂş, General Councillor, coordinated the work sessions of the second day. He highlighted the importance of the executive team as such and also in a more universal dimension within the Institute. He reported on general issues of the Congregation and on the works of the VII General Conference held in Sri Lanka. Likewise, he led the participation in the preparation of the First International Marist Mission Assembly to be held in Brazil.

Mr Luis Centeno, lawyer for the Spanish Federation of Teaching Religious (Catholic Centres) spoke on themes of a legislative character: the new Education Law in Spain, aspects related to labour agreements, education contracts, budgets?

There was also an exchange of experiences from different centres. Most of them were related to pedagogical renewal, with attention to the diversity and the projection of the schools in their environment.

The professionalism of the presenters, the quality of their presentations and the positive disposition of the participants all helped in ensuring that the final result of these two days was clearly satisfactory.


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