2006-01-24 GENERAL HOUSE

The Project Mission Ad Gentes has been set in motion

Brothers Michael Flanigan, Rene Reyes, Tim Leen and Alfredo Herrera, have been appointed by the General Council to set in motion the project ?Mission ad gentes? as defined and presented to the Brothers Provincial and District Superiors at the VII General Conference.
Brothers Michael and Rene will assume the responsibility of Delegates of Brother Superior General for this project. Their initial objective is the search for places, especially in Asia, where the brothers who offer voluntarily to work in this project can carry out their apostolic work. Both will work very closely with Brother Luis GarcĂ­a Sobrado, Vicar General, who will be the person who has the responsibility of following up the project.
Brothers Tim Leen and Alfredo Herrera will be respectively Director and Vice-Director of the orientation programme that will last for five months. This programme will take place in Davao City, in the Philippines.
Brother Michael belongs to the Province of the United States of America and has been working up until now in the General Council?s Laity Commission together with Brothers Pedro Herreros, Emili TurĂş and Antonio Ramalho.
Brother Rene, who belongs to the Province of the Philippines, has been Provincial Councillor and has worked in youth ministry and in the formation of aspirants.
Brother Tim comes from the Province of New Zealand. He has lived for twenty-one years in the Pacific islands where he has been a formator for thirteen years. He has just completed his mandate as Master of Novices in Fiji.
Brother Alfredo belongs to the Province of MĂ©xico Central and has worked as a missionary in the District of Korea for more than thirty years. He has been District Superior for three years and a formator in Korea and in MAPAC.
The four brothers, Tim, Alfredo, Rene y Michael, from the 16th January, have started a series of work meetings in the General House in Rome, together with Brother Luis GarcĂ­a Sobrado, to organise the contents of the orientation programme and the actions to be undertaken this year.
The project ?Mission ad gentes? is a result of the mission thrust promoted by the XX General Chapter based on the principles of solidarity and international co-operation. The operative plan consists in sending a significant number of brothers in the next few years to Asia as a priority, but also to Marist Provinces in need. For more information, consult the VII General Conference?s chronicle for the 9th September 2005.


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