2006-01-25 SPAIN

Archivum will help the management of the Institute?s documents

Last December, from the 20th to the 23rd, a meeting was held for some members of the Archives Committee Rome in the Provincial House in Barcelona regarding the installation of new software soon to be in use in the General Administration of the Institute. The meeting was chaired by Brother Josep Maria Soteras and the participants included Mrs Montserrat Sanchez, assistant archivist in the Provincial House, Brother Jean Ronzon, Secretary General, Emili Turú, General Councillor, Brother Enric Carreras and our assistant archivists in the General House, Gabriela Scanavino and Manuela Lisciarelli.
The project, whose initial name was Documentum and which is now called Archivum, is nearly finished.
Started more than a year ago, the project has as its aim the registration of various documents of the Institute through a new method of filing. In brief, it is a matter of an integrated system that foresees two different modes of usage: one of consultation and/or filing and one of visualisation. The latter will allow who ever is interested, through a web link, to access previewed publications that are open for consultation.
In January, Brother Josep Maria Soteras will be in Rome to complete the work and to start the formal presentation of the finished project. The delivery of the product to the final users in Rome and their preparation specific to its use will be primarily done by the personnel of the Archives and by Brother Enric Carreras, whose formation has been ensured in order to give correct and competent support to the various offices that will use the new programme.


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