2006-01-26 ITALY

Vidimus Dominum is again in operation

We have received the following communication from Fr. Enrique Sariego o.p., Director of Vidimus Dominum, concerning the address of the website ?Vidimus Dominum? and we are passing it on for everyone?s benefit.
Dear sisters and brothers, Cordial greetings and best wishes for the New Year!
We are writing to you to pass on some good news. The website on Religious Life Vidimus Dominum is again in operation. We have changed the address and now you can contact us on
Through this address you can navigate through the different sections and different languages. As well as giving you this good news we want to ask you something. We believe that most of our notices are not generated in Rome but rather they come from elsewhere. Hence we are inviting you to send us notices of meetings, reflections, documents, news etc. that deal with religious life from you?re your respective countries and regions. Also feel free to ask questions and to give suggestions or comments, etc.
This website is owned by the USG and UISG.
The UISG (International Union of Superiors General) provides an international forum where Superiors General of Institutes of Catholic women religious can share experiences, exchange information and mentor one another in their role as leaders.
The UISG encourages dialogue and collaboration among religious congregations within the Church and larger society. It offers regular programs, meetings and publications to assist members in their development as leaders of religious congregations. The USIG communicates with the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CICLSAL) and other significant Church and social organizations on matters concerning religious life. It fosters networking and solidarity among the women religious of the world. More information can be found on the website: www.uisg.org


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As Mary did...