2021-03-10 BRAZIL

The South America Region publishes the Marist Initial Formation Plan

After more than four years of intense work, the South America Region published in mid-January the Marist Initial Formation Plan. The document aims to be an official guide for the communities of the five Provinces that make up the Region: Brasil Centro-NorteBrasil Sul-AmazôniaBrasil Centro-SulCruz del Sur y Santa María de los Andes.

Approved by the Regional Council, the Formation Plan is the result of an exhaustive work carried out by a team of brothers appointed by the Regional Council for this purpose. The contribution of several Brothers, lay people and novices who have collaborated with their opinions and suggestions should also be highlighted.

This Plan describes the three great formative cycles or paths foreseen in the Code of Canon Law and the Marist Constitutions: the Pre-novitiate, the Novitiate and the Post-novitiate. In addition, the previous stage of Vocation Promotion has been added.

This document has been elaborated in various stages: The Global Perspective and Novitiate Plan (approved by the Brothers Provincial in October 2016); Pre-novitiate Plan (approved by the Provincials in February 2018); and the Post-Novitiate Plan (approved in October 2018). And in August 2020, the first version of the Formation Plan was finalised.

“This document is also addressed to all Brothers in temporary and perpetual profession. It is not only a pedagogical and working tool, but a means to continually take up our own path, as consecrated Marists”, mentioned Brother Inacio Nestor Etges, President of the Regional Council of South America, at the presentation of the Formation Plan.

Download the Marist Initial Formation Plan: Español | Português


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