2005-02-05 SPAIN

They came because they had life to the full

From the 12th until the 19th December, the spirituality group of El Escorial went to Siguenza for a spiritual retreat that marked the end of the 73rd session.
The nineteen brothers who had taken part in the course were present, along with Brothers Javier and Teófilo, the animators of the course, and Father Guillermo, an Augustinian priest who was their chaplain
We had the privilege of listening to Brother Benito Arbuès who directed the retreat in an atmosphere that encouraged prayer and silence. It was an interesting experience that centred around three points:
· our life beginning from God,
· the spirituality of Marcellin,
· listening to the Word of God present also in the Constitutions.

This theme led us to attend to, in particular, the ?classic? moments of our prayer: that of the morning, our Marial prayer, the celebration of the Eucharist and the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at the end of the day.
At the end of our experience we thank God and our Good Mother, not only for these last days that we experienced together, but also for the entire course that was a great gift from the Lord.


Festival of solidarity at Mataró...


I love you, just as you are!...