United by the Charism and our following of Christ
The Enlarged Secretariat of the Laity held its session of the present year, from the 11 to 16 of October in the City of Mexico, in the Provincial House of Central Mexico. Our work and dialogue were inspired by the Calls of the XXII General Chapter, by the orientations given to us in the Strategic Planning of the General Administration, also in the experience of each one in sharing with different groups of Laity of their Regions.
Agnes Reyes (co-directress, Asia), Pep Buetas (co-director, Europe), Ana Saborío (Arco Norte), Carole Wark (Oceanía) and Joao Luis Fedel (South America), participated. Brother Elias Odinaka Iwu (Africa) could not be present. Besides, we had the active presence of two link Councilors, Brothers Sylvain Ramandimbiarisoa and João Carlos do Prado; and the valuable help of Br. Teofilo Munga, who helped us with translation.
Our objectives were the following:
- To constitute ourselves as an Enlarged Secretariat with a community, family sense, united by the Charism and our following of Christ;
- To share experiences related with lay animation in each region and/or Administrative Units;
- To re-read the Calls of the XXII Chapter;
- To know the Plan of Action of the Secretariat and the Strategic Plan of the General Administration;
- To review new concepts related with lay processes;
- To know and share with Marist Laity of the Province of Central Mexico;
- To know the advancement in the updating of the Constitutions and Rule of Life in what concerns the relationship, Brothers – Laity;
- To advance in the reflection on linking and associative structure;
- To reflect on and organize strategies of promotion, formation and accompaniment for each region and Institute, according to the new orientations;
- To identify the areas of each region which need greater emphasis of the processes of animation in the next years;
- To reflect on shared leadership and the role of each one, touching on practical themes;
- To optimize the Plan of action of the Secretariat, in communion with the Strategic Plan of the General Administration.
In our meeting, we highlighted Saturday 13, as the day of the encounter with different groups of the Laity. In the morning, we met with the Commission of the Laity of Central Mexico, and with the basic Community animator of the experience FORM MYSELF. In the afternoon, we shared with a group of representatives of the MCHFM of the Province. We could observe the development of the life of the Laity and of communion emerging, in many persons who have the desire to live as Marists and to share the charism of Champagnat with other persons. We stress the gift of being participants of the family style lived in the Provincial House, sharing the table with Brothers, religious sisters, Laity, young Marist University students, who live in the house and animators who work in the Provincial Teams. For us it was a true experience of the Church of a Marian face, a table on which, the bread of fraternity is shared, in a simple manner and where everyone has a place. This is a great treasure that the Province of Central Mexico has, which inspires us to continue walking in greater communion, Brothers and Laity.
We are very grateful for the wonderful way in which the Provincial Superior, Br. José Sánchez and his Council took care of us, with whom we had permanent contact and whom we thank for their concern and their closeness and family style. A special thank you to Pedro Chinchilla, responsible of the Provincial Commission of the Laity, who was attentive to our needs and organized the logistics.
Raúl Amaya Rivera
Director of the Secretariat of the Laity