Walking together, we share the vitality of the charism
On 26 and 27 of October there took place in Lima, the First Assembly of Lay Communities of the Peru Sector, in the Province of Santa María de los Andes, in an atmosphere of brotherhood, happiness and openness.
Taking part were 40 lay people who are following the growing path of the lay Marist vocation approved by the province. We were grateful for the presence of the Provincial, Brother Saturnino Alonso, and of the Director of the Secretariat for the Laity, Raúl Amaya, as well as the Marist Brothers of the Sector who accompany the lay processes.
This first assembly was a privileged time for us to meditate on the lay Marist vocation, the process which is growing in the regions and in the lay communities of Peru and of our Province as well as building growth and consolidation of the lay Marist movement in our Sector.
Some thoughts shared by some of the participants were:
- The Assembly has been a place where we are listened to; a valuable time of reflection, of discernment and of sharing ideas, dreams and emotions."
- We feel ourselves to be challenged, enriched and committed to continue walking together as a Movement, contributing to the vitality of the charism."
- Grateful for the charism we have received from the Little Brothers of Mary who accompany us in our journey."
- Challenged to continue walking in communion, both Brothers and Sisters.
One of the outstanding aspects experienced in the Assembly was the promise of Linking to the Charism to which seven lay people dedicated themselves in the presence of the Brother Provincial in the Closing Mass . The lay people belong to the Community of Caná of the Movement of the Lay Marists of Champagnat and they have followed a nine- year process guided by the Lay Vocational Itinerary of the Province.
The linking formula is:
In the presence of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I……, along with the Brothers of the Community of Caná, before you, Brother Provincial, and according to the "path of growth in the lay Marist vocation " of the province of Santa María de los Andes, I commit myself for two years:
– to welcome the calls of the charism and to live them in following Jesus, from my experienceas a lay Marist.
– to take care of my own process of personal and community growth.
– to contribute to the consolidation of the lay Marist movement giving testimony of my vocation.
– to accompany creatively accompanying other communities of lay Marists.
– to live my vocation and daily life with a sense of mission.
Our Good Mother, bless my commitment and accompany my journey.
We thank God for the time of grace that we experience during this assembly and we ask our Good Mother to accompany and encourage the lay communities in their journey.
Eliana Rojas
Provincial Coordinator – The Team of Spirituality and Laity