2021-03-26 GENERAL HOUSE

We are now also on Instagram

The General Administration of the Institute has just launched its official profile on Instagram!

You can visit our channel @fms.champagnat and follow us either from your computer by clicking on this link www.instagram.com/fms.champagnat or from your smartphone by downloading the free official Instagram app.

Why did we decide to use a new social communication channel?

Thanks to its ease of use, the possibility of connecting with people from all over the world, of following the profiles that are of most interest to us, Instagram is now the most successful social network, and not only among young people.

Statistics show that more than a billion people around the world actively use it, a truly impressive percentage.

When browsing this social platform, we also immediately noticed how many Marist communities around the world have their own profiles, how many brothers, lay people, students and alumni tell us about their Marist experience every day. So it was natural to think of wanting to be there in person to help strengthen the great community inspired by the charism of Marcellin Champagnat.

While Facebook continues to be the most popular and accessed social network, Instagram is rapidly gaining ground with growth rates that far exceed those of other social networks.


So follow us by ‘liking’ @fms.champagnat. When posting photos or videos of your Marist experience, remember to add the hashtag of our community #MaristsOfChampagnat, so that anyone searching for content with this search key will also see yours.

Hashtags, for those who are not used to using these tools, are ‘keywords’ that aggregate content on the same theme. If you search for #MaristsOfChampagnat in the search field offered by social networks, you will see, in fact, a lot of entries published in every corner of the world about Marist life events.

Instagram has convinced us of this: it allows us to be part of a large family even if we are far away and do not know each other personally; it is a social platform that creates a common narrative that we want to join to add our contribution and to feel even more united at a time when the pandemic emergency is forcing us to remain at a distance physically.

We look forward to seeing you on our new communication channel and invite you to share your marist experiences with photos and videos.


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