2005-11-03 ITALY

We have shared our lives filled with joy and faithful to our charism

On August 10th 20 of us – 17 Marist and 3 Marianist Brothers – came together in Manziana, Italy to take part in a Third-Age Spirituality Course.

The age range in our group was from 63 to 81. Even though we came from 10 different Provinces.
I would highlight the value of an extraordinary community, in an atmosphere of creative prayer and brotherly concern for one another.
The presentations I liked the most were: The future of Religious Life; Spirituality in general, and the interior life; Marist Apostolic Spirituality; and the Psychology and spirituality of the Third Age. They were dealt with in depth, in a lively and interesting way, using good technology
One of the most powerful times in the course was our stay at the Marist places: Le Rosey, La Valla, the Hermitage, and Fourvière. I experienced the living presence of the Lord in the great work of Champagnat and the first Brothers. I came back filled with enthusiasm. The celebrations at the different places were well prepared and very good. The Lord filled these days with tremendous graces for us – the warm welcome, intimate settings, times for prayer and meditation, and wonderful explanations by Br. Alain Délorme.
When you love and cherish someone, then the places where he lived, the things he touched, and the objects he used move you deeply, especially if he is your father. I think this is what happened in our case because this involved our beloved Father/Founder.
We Third Age Brothers cant become stagnant. We need to keep moving ahead – under no circumstances die before our time, i.e., doom ourselves to a passive life that stifles dreams and ambitions. We are living in a golden age provided we know how to recognize and take advantage of it. Ours are the little things to do: sharing the wisdom of our years, welcoming, accentuating the positive, humbly serving others, anticipating their needs, smiling, applauding, congratulating, and above all, praying for our Brothers.
Drawing encouragement from the same ideal and determined to face a new and exciting future, we have shared our lives as Marists and Marianists, filled with joy and faithful to our charism.



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