2005-11-25 SPAIN

Witnesses to a living history

The Marist College of Badajoz (Spain) is celebrating this year its seventy-fifth anniversary. Based on the theme ?Witnesses to a living history? a series of acts have been organised. The 8th October was the inaugural day; there was a speech given by a columnist from the city and then a Eucharist.
The 12th November was dedicated to a reflection on the Marist mission with children and young people. There was a prayer, games for the little ones, chats, meeting by groups and a shared meal. In the afternoon various workshops were organised. Likewise, two Marist Brothers, three laypeople from the college and a girl gave their personal testimony of faith. The day was concluded with the Eucharist
A musical show is planned for the morning of the 4th February, in which there will be various dance groups; the group ?Brotes de Olivo? will also perform. On the 1st April a meeting will be held for the former students of the college during which various activities are planned. On the 13th May, a sports carnival is to be held.

The 6th June, the feast of Saint Marcellin Champagnat, will conclude the commemoration of this seventy-fifth anniversary of Marist presence in Badajoz with a Eucharist in honour of our Founder.
The Marist Brothers came to this city in 1930 with the idea of founding a school: ?Nuestra Señora del Carmen?. They had been invited by a canon at the cathedral. The classes started in October of the same year. Six brothers formed the first community. At different times, the college has been located in different places in the city. In 1964, it arrived at its current location. At that time a large building was built with a boarding school including courtyards for recreation and sport.
At the present moment there are four brothers in the community who accompany their work in the college with work they have taken on as part of their Life Project with a group of drug dependent people.


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