2005-08-30 SPAIN

Your life camp

Under this title the summer camp took place, last July, which brought an end to the activities of the Open Heart groups of our schools in Catalunya. These life groups, for adolescents of 14 to 16 years of age, put into practice a work pursued all year long through reflection, life in common and formation in values. They form part of a much wider project going from 10 years old to university.
The your life camp was prepared around some themes which united all the daily activities: the other and I, nature and I, the world and I, success and I, the transcendant and I, laughter and I, freedom and I. Each day the participants could choose one or the other of these subjects, the choice made marking the rhythm of the day. In this way the adolescents became involved, they were awakened to the idea of coresponsibility, and offered activities in harmony with their expectations and tastes.

The natural environment of the camp ( in the heart of the Pyrenees of Lleida) and its structure ( tents pitched near a stream) allowed the putting into practice of values such as ecology, sharing, simplicity of life, equality, solid development and putting aside the complications of daily life.

For some 70 participants coming from eight Marist schools, the ten days spent on camp provided a privileged opportunity for putting into practice friendship and reconsidering the priorities in their life.

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