Kevin Ryan
Kevin James Ryan was born in Innisfail on 16 December 1935. His mother Janet (nee Dawson) and father, James, owned and ran a farm at Daradgee. Kevin was the first born and last surviving of four boys: Patrick, Thomas and Peter were his brothers. He met the Marist Brothers while attending our school at Innisfail and took the long journey south to Mittagong in January 1952 where he commenced the Juniorate. There he excelled in Mathematics and Science subjects. He entered the Novitiate in July 1954, received the habit and the religious name Baylon Celsus. Like so many of his contemporaries he took first vows and found himself, a few days later, without any training or qualifications, teaching Primary classes at Hamilton.
From this time onwards, Kevin undertook a variety of ministries. He taught Primary at Tighes Hill, Rosalie, Eagle Heights, Cairns and Innisfail. In 1970 he took up a position teaching secondary classes at Rigu in Bougainville. This was his last full-time teaching appointment. After a year at Ashgrove he went to Fiji to assist in the Scholasticate at Suva. The Islands had a particular attraction for Kevin. The simple lifestyle and the tropical climate reminded him of his early years in North Queensland. Despite volunteering for the missions on several later occasions he never returned. He abhorred cold weather and after six years at St Vincent’s Boys Home Westmead, was pleased to take up an appointment at Ashgrove in January 1981. Other than his time at the Second Novitiate, this was where he remained until his death – for nearly 40 years. He loved the College; it was his home.