2021-02-12 MALAWI

Paul Nkhoma

Paul NkhomaAloysio Bebulo Nkhoma was born in ChIkanda Village in Lilongwe Malawi on 1 January 1925. He was already approaching 31 years of age when he officially became a postulant on 1 December 1955. His novitiate began a year later where he was given the religious names of Paul Edmund. He made his first profession on 8 December 1957. Five years later, on 12 September 1962, he made his final profession at Zomba Catholic Secondary School.

In his active life from 1957 to 2010, Br Paul served in different communities as teacher, vocations recruiter, community superior, bursar, formator and district councillor. Five of those years (1983 – 1987) were spent at St Paul’s Kabwe, Zambia in both teaching and formation work. He was a constant student usually on a part-time basis: General Certificate of Education (University of London); Diploma in Theology (he read the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation a few times and translated some sections into Chichewa); a student of music with the Royal Schools of Music and All-Africa Church Music Association.

From 2010 when he suffered a stroke, Br Paul joyfully embraced a new apostolate.  Living with the community at Zomba, he spent the rest of his life in active prayer. Each day of the week was dedicated to praying for different intentions of our congregation and the entire Church. Also, he continually read the scriptures, and other religious literature.

Brother Paul became a victim of the global pandemic. He had spent a week in the Zomba Central Hospital where he improved sufficiently to be discharged. However, Covid-19 eventually took his life on the night of 12 February 2021 at the age of 96, having spent 64 years in religious life as a Marist Brother.

A former Superior had this to say when hearing of Br Paul’s death: “Sad news, and the loss of a great Brother. He was a fine example of growing old gracefully. I always enjoyed my visits to Zomba for the chat I had during my stay.”

The burial ceremony took place at Marist Secondary School, Mtendere, on Saturday 13 February 2021.


How shall we remember Brother Paul

  • Br Paul lived a very simple life – materially, socially and spiritually.
  • He believed in the Providence of God.
  • He was a jovial person and spread that joy to others.
  • He was a lover of knowledge. He enjoyed reading and he knew the most recent publications.  He did not keep this new knowledge to himself, rather he shared it with others.
  • Br Paul had an interest in people and had a very good memory.
  • He was very generous. He shared whatever he had with the needy even in circumstances when he needed the greatest assistance.
  • He lived a life of constant gratitude.
  • He was very prayerful. Until his last days, he attended community Eucharistic celebrations on his wheelchair.  His small radio was always tuned to Radio Maria and he devoutly followed all programs including Eucharistic celebrations.
  • Br Paul has taught us to persevere in suffering. Even when the pains of old age and effects of stroke weighed heavily on him, he never complained.
  • We will miss Br Paul because he was our “Pillar” but we remain grateful and confident that he will continue praying for us in heaven as he always did while physically among us on earth.


May the soul of Br Paul Edmund Nkhoma rest in peace.


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