Richard Safari Kabwika
Les Frères Maristes en RĂ©publique DĂ©mocratique du Congo ont la profonde douleur d’annoncer Ă l’Eglise famille de Dieu qui est Ă Kinshasa, aux amis et connaissance, le retour vers la Maison du Père de leur confrère Richard SAFARI KABWIKA de la communautĂ© Bon accueil de Kinshasa vers 23h 35 Ă HJ Hospitals de Limete oĂą il Ă©tait admis d’une crise d’AVC.
Paix à son âme !
At the moment of his death, Br Richard was a member of the Marist community of Bon Accueil in Kinshasa, DRC. He had been serving the brothers as a link econome of the Provincial Bursar, for the schools and communities in the DRC.
Last Monday (July 17th) as he prepared to do some errands in Kinshasa he fainted and a brother helped him not to fall, but was rushed to the hospital, being unconscious as he was. He was diagnosed with a stroke, and we hoped that he was going to recover from it. But at the last moment he was connected to several machines that helped him to live until the moment when he could no longer resist.
Br Richard was born in Nyangezi, on 19th March, 1979, son of Mr Ernest Mulumeoderhwa who is alive, together Br Richard’s mother. For his religious formation, Br Richard joined the postulancy in Nyakato (Tanzania) on November 20th, 2001, then Save Novitiate (Rwanda) on August 7th, 2002 where he professed on June 20th, 2004. He was a student in Nairobi Scholasticate (Kenya) from 2004 to 2008. His final profession took place in Kindu (DRC) on October 3rd, 2010.
His apostolic work was developed in Byimana and Save (Rwanda), and later on was transferred to Bobandana (DRC), then he was a student in CUEA, residing in Nairobi (Provincial house); at the end of his studies he was appointed to Kisangani (DRC) and then to Kinshasa (DRC), first to Bobokoli community and in the end to Bon Accueil community. We remember him as a brother full of initiatives and projects, with a temperament of being an entrepreneur, with a strong will that the projects will help the Marist community.
We pray for his eternal rest, as we extend also the condolences to members of his biological family in Nyangezi and Goma (DRC).