Marist Schools in South Africa
A Guide to Catholic Education in the Marist Tradition
This HANDBOOK introduces you to the history and founding vision behind the five Marist Brothers schools in South Africa:
* St Joseph's Marist College, Rondebosch, Cape Town
* Sacred Heart Marist College, Observatory, Johannesburg
* St Henry' s Marist College, Durban
* St David's Marist Inanda, Johannesburg
* Marist Brothers College, Limneyer, Johannesburg
These schools sprang from the dream of Marcellin Champagnat ordained as a priest in Lyon in 1816, soon after the havoc associated with the French Revolution and Napoleonic wars. Moved by the material, cultural and spiritual poverty of children in the rural areas, he invited two young men to help him educate them.
In 1867, fifty years after that founding event, five Brothers arrived in Cape Town to pioneer the frrst Marist school outside of Europe. With time, Brothers spread to other parts of South Africa and ran schools with the help of laypersons on the staff.
Nowadays lay management and teachers are regarded as partners and Marist educators handing on the message of God's love to young people. Without these colleagues it would not be possible for the Institute to care for over four thousand leamers in South Africa today. The Brothers are deeply appreciative of their efforts to maintain a Catholic and Marist ethos. The very editing of this booklet is a work of collaboration between Brothers and laypersons.
May the example of Saint Marcellin inspire you to bring God' s love to the young people you care for.
Brother Joseph Walton – Provincial Superior, Marist Province of Southern Africa