
Novices Reuben Banda inaugurates new fashion of West African shirts as birthday gifts

hspace=5I feel it is nice to share new things happening in our noviciates. Today I would like to tell you a new event that we shall keep in our noviciate annals. It happened yesterday the 1st of September, 2007. Brother Reuben Banda, a second year novice whispered to Brother Angel Mansoa that he could make the West African shirts as gifts for our four birthday anniversary celebrants. Brother Mansoa bought his idea and encouaged him to do so. The first shirt was sewn for Br. Ferzado who made his final profession at Quelimane on 19th August, 2007. It was this shirt that encouraged Brother Mansoa and gave Reuben his support to make the shirts which you see in the picture. Reuben preferred to be in the middle to demonstrate that he is the one behind the fancy shirts you are seeing the other novices wearing.He said he got the skill from home and lacked an occassion to exhibit it in the noviciate. The gifts were well wrapped and novices generally prefer to unwrap the gifts in their rooms. We were surprised when we heard Brother Mansoa insisting that they should open and show us. When they did, the hall was filled with the applaud of uncontrollable joy and many had booked Reuben to avail himself in making one when their birthdays annversaries arrive in the future. They look fancy and attractive to the young novices. It is good to reveal our gifts and let such skills be sold. Our prayer is that Reuben will have to share this skill to the remaining novices so that it does not die out after he has gone. He said if he had money enough he would have travelled in all our Marist Noviciates to multiple the talent which eventually can turn into a source of small income for the community. Bravo Reuben and we have known your gift and we share always rely on your continued assistance.

Brother Simeon Banda, fms.


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