2023-09-04 BRAZIL

From Brazil to Lebanon: international Marist volunteering

Br Rafael Fagner Ferreira, from the Brasil Centro-Sul Province, was a Marist volunteer at the Fratelli project in Lebanon for 4 weeks in July 2023. In the interview that we publish below, brother Rafael tells us about his motivations for this choice; the experience that he lived, and what he learned during this period.

What were your motivations for volunteering abroad?

The option to volunteer in another country arose from the desire to live a profound experience in another culture, to be able to challenge myself and get to know myself a little more by being in another context that is not that of my country – my province -; and that would lead me to a close contact with God and with the other; being able to be in a reality of immigration and feel its joys and challenges, its anxieties and needs and be in solidarity, working in the search for a more favourable reality for the people who live there.

What experience deeply marked you?

What touched my heart the most was the community life in the Fratelli project, a fraternal, intense and joyful life: we did everything together, meals, prayers, walks, work… And I felt that the people were very committed to what they did, and they lived; and this is transmitted to others, a light and energetic life, where sharing the best is living in joy.

What are the keywords, expressions or concepts that summarize your experience?

Fraternal life, love of work, caring for each other, giving oneself to the mission, welcoming those who arrive, living in community, sharing gifts.

How would you describe what you consider the most important part of your volunteer time?

A dynamic life present in the Fratelli Community. The constant arrival of people/volunteers from different parts of the world, wanting to share and live together. This brings life to the community and the journey.

What was the most important learning during this period?

That our mission cannot have borders, that my desire to live the mission cannot be limited to my province, because I need to be open to the different realities of the Marist world.

What would you like to say to those who want to be Marist volunteers outside their Province?

Volunteering is a beautiful mission and a lot of personal growth; it makes us more human.

I think there are three essential things to consider: the English language (used in most places), an open heart/mind, and the willingness to live in community. If this exists in you, don’t look back and leave, because the time you live these experiences is precious, whatever it is. Volunteering renews hope and revives the heart, opens our eyes to God’s will and broadens our faith.


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