Other Marist Voices : Developing Servant and Prophetic Leadership in Marist Mission

Marist Voices: Essays on Servant and Prophetic Leadership

As an extended project of the “Marist Voices” initiative, from September 25, 2023, the Marist International Mission Commission promotes a series of publications related to the development of servant and prophetic leadership in Marist mission…”Other Marist Voices“.

100 Marists from different parts of the world, including brothers, lay men, and women, will share their valuable perspectives on leadership, based on their own experiences. Each of them will bring a unique vision and reflect on specific aspects of servant and prophetic leadership.

Weekly, from September 2023 till September 2024, 2 new articles accompanied by a video of the author will be published. All the material will be available on this page.

100. â€œCAMMI: Solidarity Response to the Migratory Crisis in Mexico”
Darla Anguiano – MĂ©xico Central
Coordinator of the Centre for Marist Attention to Migrants and Integration
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99. â€œListening at the Heart of Servant Leadership“
Niño Mayor Pizarro, fms – General Administration, Rome
Assistant Director of the Secretariat for Education and Evangelization
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98. â€œLead with people’s development in mind”
Khalil Abdalla – Brasil Centro-Sul
Director of Institutional Identity at PUCPR
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97. â€œThinking and acting together to transform our social reality“
Junel Pierre, fms – MĂ©xico Occidental, HaitĂ­
Director of the Marist Centre in Jérémie
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96. â€œServant leadership… Attentive and meaningful
InĂ©s May – Cruz del Sur, Uruguay
Marist educator
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95. â€œNetworking: from the shared table To being seedbeds of hope in collective action“
Ma. Del Socorro Álvarez Noriega – MĂ©xico Central
Provincial Solidarity Coordinator
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94. â€œEffective communication for training servant leaders
Carmem Murara – Brasil Centro-Sul
Director of Institutional and Government Relations for Grupo Marista
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93. â€œLeading from community: a path to life in abundance“
Carolina Araujo – Catechist at St. Mary’s School
Rodrigo Pan SuĂĄrez – Coordinator of Marist Social Works
Cruz del Sur, Uruguay
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92. â€œCompetencies and skills at the service of the mission
Francisco Javier Llamas – General Administration
Executive Secretary of Champagnat Global
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91. â€œMarist Mission in Hungary: A Beacon of Hope for Future Leaders“
Pau Tristany de Juan, fms – L’Hermitage, Hungary
Coordinator of Marist Works
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90. â€œLeadership and healing
Conny Stuart – West Central Europe, Netherlands
Coordinator of Spirituality and Social Works at Westerhelling
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89. â€œMy reflection and testimony on mission“
John Edgar Arrieta, fms – Norandina, Venezuela
Formator of Novices in the Province of West Africa, Ghana
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88. â€œBe, serve and smile
Marisa TemporĂŁo – Compostela, Portugal
Teacher at the Marist School in Lisbon
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87. â€œAdministrative Leadership in Marist Mission“
Melesio Tiscareño, fms – MĂ©xico Occidental
Provincial Bursar
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86. â€œLeading from our own humanity”
Paulo Jorge Carvalho Pacheco – Compostela, Portugal
Director of the Lar Marista de Ermesinde
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85. â€œProphetic and Servant Leadership in Unusual Conditions“
Diogo Luiz Santana Galline – Brasil Centro-Sul
Provincial Vocational Animation Team Coordinator
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84. â€œOur leadership: showing young people paths to freedom
Eleftheria Rousi – L’Hermitage, Greece
Teacher of Theology at the Leontius School in Athens
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83. â€œHow a marist leader develops the mission?“
Frank Malloy – Star of the Sea, Australia
National Director of Marist Schools
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82. â€œCommitment, generosity and service: The experience of a marist leader
Eva Ruiz RodrĂ­guez – IbĂ©rica, Spain
Teacher of Secondary Education
PDF English | Español | Français | PortuguĂȘs 

81. â€œServant leader in the style of“
Jonathan Drouin – District Canada
Youth Ministry Coordinator
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80. â€œTransformational leadership serving the community
MarĂ­a Thelma Motolinia Ontiveros – MĂ©xico Central
Miravalles Educational Project Coordinator
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79. â€œWhat is My Mission?“
Nguyễn HoĂ ng Anh, fms – District of Asia, Cambodia
Director of the Marist Educational Center
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78. â€œDialogues in motion: Meaningful listening on the path to servant leadership
Enrique JesĂșs Muñoz Becerra – MediterrĂĄnea, Italy
Member of the LaValla200> community in Syracuse
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77. â€œI was in jail, and you came to see me“
Manuel Mesonero SĂĄnchez, fms – IbĂ©rica, Spain
Vocation Ministry Coordinator
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76. â€œMaking decisions as a Marist laywoman, exercising servant and prophetic leadership“
MĂłnica Trujillo – MĂ©xico Occidental
Communications Manager, Arco Norte Region
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75. â€œProphetic Leadership at the Service of the Mission“
Greg McDonald, fms – Star of the Sea, Timor-Leste
Provincial Councillor
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74. â€œLeadership and spirituality“
Walberson Martins – Brasil Centro-Norte
Pastoral coordinator of Águas Claras School
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73. â€œIn the service of the other“
JesĂșs Balmaseda AragĂłn, fms – AmĂ©rica Central, NicarĂĄgua
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72. â€œTo Bring a Marian Face“
Maureen Hagan – United States of America
Director of the Lay Marist Council
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71. â€œServant leadership and decision making“
Xavier GinĂ© Arnella, fms – L’Hermitage, France
Vicar Provincial
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70. â€œHow does a true servant leader persuade?“
Nelson Enrique CĂĄrcamo Banegas – AmĂ©rica Central, Honduras
Director of social project Horizons for the future
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69. â€œLearning the experiences of the Servant leadership“
Nguyen Duy Binh, fms – District of Asia, Vietnam
Ta Do Project Manager
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68. â€œEmpathetic leadership: a matter of decision and of body“
MarĂ­a Fernanda RodrĂ­guez EspĂ­nola – Cruz del Sur, Paraguay
Member of the Evangelization Team
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67. â€œPresence as my educational style: my Malawi experience“
Steven Chinsolo, fms – Southern Africa, Malawi
Teacher at St. Charles Lwanga Secondary School
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66. â€œProphetic and servant leadership; A call to marist life“
Leonardo Soares – Brasil Centro-Sul
Executive Secretary of Umbrasil and Region of AmĂ©rica Sur
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65. â€œAn experince reflection on servant and prophet leadership“
Victor Mwamba Chomba, fms – Southern Africa, Zambia
Teacher, School Ministry and Lay Marists
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64. â€œServant leadership and collaborative working:  A powerful connection“
Ana Isabel SaborĂ­o Jenkins – America Central, Costa Rica
Provincial Laity Coordinator 
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63. â€œLeading with a future perspective“
Lucky Paul Ogwu, fms – Nigeria
Provincial Bursar
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62. â€œServant Leadership in Marist Higher Education“
JoĂŁo Fett – Brasil Sul AmazĂŽnia, Porto Alegre
Coordinator of the Center for Pastoral Care and Solidarity, PUCRS
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61. â€œMy apostolic experience in Angola“
JosĂ© Ebo Joao Francisco – Southern Africa, Angola
Educational institution Director and community leader
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60. â€œPollinating ideas: let us become persuasive communities“
Loreto Rubio – L’Hermitage, Spain
Director General of the Champagnat Foundation
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59. â€œLeadership is simply a question of influencing people â€œ
Felix Banam Donald, fms – East Central Africa, Central African Republic 
Headmaster of LycĂ©e Saint Marcellin Champagnat 
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58. â€œMarist presence and servant leadership“
Alberto Libera – Santa MarĂ­a de los Andes, Bolivia
Responsible for mission
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57. â€œNurturing the Flame: Servant Leadership in Mission Development“
Germain Bery Beda, fms – West Africa, Ivory Coast
School leader
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56. â€œThe Reluctant Economist“
Alfie Maria Custodio – East Asia, Philippines
Business College Dean
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55. â€œServant and prophetic leadership: experience and inspiration“
Chibengwa Vito, fms – Southern África, Zimbabwe
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54. â€œReflections of a lay marist in South Africa about servant leadership“
Dr. Mark Bussin – Southern Africa, South Africa
Marist Schools Council Director
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53. â€œEmpathy: a characteristic of a servant leader“
Alexandre Rakotomalala, fms – Madagascar
Vocations ministry, Educator
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52. “The responsibility to serve and the challenge to lead“
Izaskun Lanborena Elordui – IbĂ©rica, Spain
Director of Maristak Bilbao
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51. â€œA lived servant leadership“
Tiamaro Alphonse, fms – Madagascar
Provincial, Formation Ministry
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50. â€œUnleashing the Power of Servant Leadership: Transforming Lives and Building a Just World for Children“
Andrea Rossi – General House, Rome
General Director of FMSI
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49. â€œEvangelical & life-giving leadership style of mother Mary“
Evaristus Mbiydzenyuy, fms – West Africa, Cameroon
Community leader, Children Safeguarding and Protection
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48. â€œTraining leaders for a challenging world â€œ
Ana Clarissa Matte Zanardo dos Santos – Brasil Sul-AmazĂŽnia
Educator, Director, and Researcher
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47. â€œThey evangelize us without words“
Domingo Lee, fms – East Asia, South Corea
Educator, Social Work Leader
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46. â€œBible stories to reflect on“
Juan Carlos Casanova Cabrera – Norandina, Colombia
Principal of Champagnat School
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45. â€œProphetic and Servant Leadership in Marist Educational Context“
Farancis Rahmat, fms – South Asia, Pakistan
Educator, School Principal
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44. â€œProphetic leadership in today’s world“
Sylvia PĂ©rez and Ricardo Miño – Santa MarĂ­a de los Andes, Bolivia
Marist missionaries, ministry, and evangelization
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43. â€œGift and commitment: To serve“
Guillermo AntĂłn, fms – Norandina, Venezuela
Education, pastoral work
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42. â€œMarist leadership: awareness and self-awareness“
CĂ©sar NĂșñez – Santa MarĂ­a de los Andes, PerĂș
Mission Delegate
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41. â€œServant Leadership – A Joyful Expression of God’s Love for Humanity“
Rajakumar Soosai Manickam, fms – South Asia, India
Educator, Director, Provincial counsellor
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40. â€œA learning servant leadership“
Valerian Stephen Kalendelo, fms – Province of East Central Africa, Tanzania
Headmaster of Marist Boys Secondary School
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39. â€œEmpowering children and youth as the core of our mission“
AnalĂ­a Ruggeri – Cruz del Sur, Argentina
Educator, Director, Advocate, and Promotion of Rights
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38. â€œLeadership: charisma, fraternity and recognition“
Julien Monghal – L’Hermitage, France
Delegate for Marist trusteeship in France, and Director of Association Marcellin Champagnat
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37. â€œLeadership: the warp and woof of an educational journey“
Juan Carlos Robles Gil Torres, fms – MĂ©xico Central
Education, pastoral ministry, accompaniment of indigenous communities
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36. â€œEach of us has an important role to play“
Soledad GĂĄlvez Moreno – Norandina, Equador
Sector Finance Manager
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35. â€œServant leadership with a heart for people“
Omari Thomas, fms – East Central Africa, Kenya
Educator, principal of Our Lady of Orore School
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34. â€œA small and free healing experience“
Daniel Felipelli – Cruz del Sur, Argentina
Executive Director of the FundaciĂłn Marista
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33. â€œHow to accompany people in making decisions?“
NicĂ©foro GarrĂĄn GonzĂĄlez, fms – AmĂ©rica Central, El Salvador
Rector and Educator
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32. â€œMarist leadership: a realistic proposal for a better future“
Danai Anagnostopoulou – L’Hermigate, Greece
Pastoral Ministry, Formation, Mission Management
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31. â€œServant leaders based on values“
Mark Ikechukwu Iwu, fms – Nigeria
Principal of Christ the King College, Abuja
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30. â€œSincere and honest accompaniment“
JosĂ© Antonio Rosa Lemus – MediterrĂĄnea, Spain
Mission Delegate – Europe Region
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29. â€œCommunication and silence in leadership“
Mario Meuti, fms – MediterrĂĄnea, Italy
Member of the Community LaValla200> of Moinesti
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28. â€œLive your mission every day in service to others“
Priscila Aguilar – Central America, Guatemala
Education, academic co-ordination of pre-primary and Primary School
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27. â€œEmpathy and compassion in a working-class neighborhood“
Ricardo Reynozo, fms – Central Mexico
Teacher and community leader in insertion communities
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26. â€œFormation for prophetic service: my life story“
Ernesto Reyes – Santa María de los Andes, Chile
Delegate for Life and Mission
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25. â€œAwareness as a servant leader: my personal journey“
Vincent Abadom, fms – Nigeria
Educator, Provincial
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24. â€œSharing mission“
Montse GimĂ©nez HernĂĄndez – IbĂ©rica, Spain
Teacher, Researcher and University Director
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23. â€œLiving the Marist Mission Every Day“
DĂ©sirĂ© Shamabale, fms – East Central Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Educator, Prefect of Studies
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22. â€œListening: the basic verb of leadership. Leadership and horizontal listening“
Laura and Pablo – Central America, Cuba
Missionary couple
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21. â€œLeadership and CARE“
Iñigo GarcĂ­a Blanco, fms – IbĂ©rica, Spain
Community and socio-educational animator, solidarity
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20. â€œTo Educate and Accompany, put your apron on!“
Loli Santos – Compostela, Spain
Laywoman, Principal, and Educator
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19. â€œBeing servant leaders today: Why?  What for? For what?“
Tony Leon, fms – Star of the Sea, Australia
Educator Training
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18. â€œLeader, Historian, Analyst and Prophet“
Rodrigo Rivas – Cruz del Sur, Uruguay
Marist Alumni, Administration, Volunteering
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17. â€œHope in fragility: Thoughts on Marist leadership“
Juan SebastiĂĄn Herrera Salazar, fms – Norandina, Ecuador
Educational and youth ministry
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16. â€œIt is by serving that we know each other“
Nanette Hurst – Central America – Puerto Rico
Teacher and accompanier
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15. â€œMarist Vision Requires a Wide Focus“
Brian Poulin, fms – United States
Responsible of Vocational Ministry
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14. â€œVives Semper Vivas“
Javier Cendoya Irezábal – Spain
General Director – Edelvives Group
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13. â€œServant leader or leading servant“
RĂ©al Sauvageau, fms – Canada
Formator in America and Asia
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12. â€œServant leadership: the person at the center â€œ
Licione Torres Marques – Brasil Sul-Amazînia
Corporate Education Manager, PUCRS
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11. â€œProphetic And Servant Leadership In Lebanon“
Carlos Mario McEwen Ochoa, fms – Lebanon, MediterrĂĄnea
Missionary, accompanier, and Member of the Council of the Fratelli Project
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10. â€œServant leadership: a learning experience“
Ricardo Mariz – Brasil Centro-Sul
Director of Socio-education and Evangelization
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9. â€œMarist leaders and the mission“
Umoh Benedict, fms – Nigeria
Educator, Deputy Provincial, Child Rights, Volunteers
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8. â€œHow do we live empathy with people or students in our Marist mission?“
Maurice Juvence, fms – Madagascar
Principal. Saint Joseph School – Antsirabe
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7. â€œLeading with an alert and purposeful awareness“
Idalia Ramos, El Salvador – Central America
National Coordinator of Education
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6. â€œLeading for future generations, ethically, with gratitude, and simplicity“
Ricardo Tavares – Brazil South Centre
FTD Education
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5. â€œA Servant Leadership that Works as a Team“
Antonio Maveza Armando, fms – Mozambique – South Africa
Head of school pastoral ministry
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4. â€œLeadership open to continuous learning”
Luciana Winck CorrĂȘa – Brasil Sul-AmazĂŽnia
Educator, Guidance Counsellor, Deputy Director of Education
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3. â€œA Servant Leadership and Mission“
Gaston Nzasabimfura, fms – Afrique Centre-Est, Rwanda
Deputy head of school
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2. Leadership and communication
Eurico Santos – Compostela, Portugal
Member of the Mission Council of the Province of Compostela
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1. Keys to the prophetic imagination
Álvaro SepĂșlveda, FMS – Santa MarĂ­a de los Andes, Chile
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It is important to recall that the publication of the 22-chapter work “Marist Voices: Essays on Servant and Prophetic Leadership” is an initiative that responds to the invitation of the XXII General Chapter that suggests “identifying and forming leaders, lay and brothers, at all levels, given growing in co-responsibility for Marist life and mission”.

For leadership there is only one road: service. There is no other way. If you have many qualities, the ability to communicate, etc., but if you are not a servant, your leadership will fail, it is useless, it has not power to gather [people] together
 Leadership must enter into service, but with a personal love for the people.

(Pope Francis, 2014)