1. Encourage our development as the ?Marial face? of the Church in order to come closer to young people and the needs of today?s world.
2. Promote in the Institute a participative style of leadership in such a way that each member is able to exercise the authority that derives from his role in the service of the Institute?s mission.
3. Accompany discernment in the administrative units and in the regions with a view to discovering what it means ?to go in haste to a new land? in their own context.
4. To foster in the Brothers a rediscovery of the enthusiasm and joy they experienced in their vocation as Brothers, to live and witness it in a radical, open and life giving way in the Church and in the world of today.
5. Come up with and/or accompany new forms of living the Marist charism among the brothers as well as the laity, and promote the development of the lay Marist vocation, building a new relationship which is mutually enriching and recognizes the continuing fruitfulness of Champagnat?s heritage.
6. Continue developing the Marist mission, as part of our identity and fuel for our spirituality, especially in the three aspects emphasized by the General Chapter: a more visible presence among poor children and young people, evangelization, and the defense of the rights of children and young people.
7. Promote a better understanding and appreciation of multicultural living and internationalism, living globalisation in an alternative way, and encouraging a greater missionary availability to respond to new needs.
8. And, finally, provide continuity for promoting and applying the ?Evangelical use of goods? and the exercise of solidarity at all levels of the Institute.