2021-10-28 GENERAL HOUSE

300 Marist leaders meet to discuss challenges presented by the pandemic

The Institute’s Economes have concluded the first two sessions of the webinar “Pandemic: Experiences and Challenges for the Marist Future”, with an average of 300 leaders from Administrative Units, Economic Affairs Commissions and leaders of Marist apostolates in Europe, Africa, South America and Arco Norte taking part.

The panelist for the first two sessions was Dr. Gustavo Inacio de Moraes, Professor of Economics at PUCRS and economic advisor to the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil.

At the conclusion of the first two sessions, Brother Libardo Garzón, Econome General, said: “I believe that it has been an excellent area of formation, of communion and interconnection in this mission that we as Marists carry out in the education of our children and young people. I am convinced that our mission is essential for the transformation of our society”.

Following the schedule, the Marist Region “Asia and Oceania” will have its meeting on November 9th.

  • TIME: Sydney AEST 2pm, Auckland 4pm, Singapore 11am, Rome 4am.
  • GUEST SPEAKER: Principal Matthew Brennan St Augustine’s College Cairns

Watch the video here:


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