2020-01-25 EL SALVADOR

A Community of Reference for the university world is created, consisting of Brothers and Lay Marists

“A Community of Reference, formed by Brothers and Lay Marists, started its life on the 5th of January, in the Marist College of  San Alfonso, in El Salvador. Brother Gregorio Linacero Melón, Solidarity Coordinator of the Central America Province and member of the International Mission Commission, explains what this community consists of and what its challenge is.


“The community that has just been created in the College of San Alfonso is classified as a ‘ community of reference ‘, where there are brothers and laypeople intending to work together and  rethink the presence of young university students, but who have as their goal  youth ministry, especially oriented towards young people.

The community is made up of brothers and laypeople who are occupying the premises previously used by the community of brothers of  San Alfonso College. Each of the Brothers has a different mission and  work in different places. The young people are university students and some have some type of work. But their mission – brothers and laypeople – is to serve as support, to contribute to youth ministry, to evangelisation, especially through the Remar community and youth groups.

Two Marist Sisters, María Laura Soto and Daisy Contreras, are part of this community: Marist Brothers Luis Guardado, Juan Antonio Sandoval and Óscar Laso. The young lay university students Marcela Pira and Max Cubas and the Remar community. On the other hand, Luisa Drummond (Guatemala),  will be present only as a volunteer for one year.

This community faces a double challenge. On the one hand, they are starting a community of reference, which is something new, as it is the first time that it is takes place with this in mind, because although we have had mixed communities with university students, they did not have the intention of “being a community of reference”. It was simply a mixed community.

And the second challenge is precisely to rethink our presence – with the young university students -, the projection of how we should be as Marists, brothers and laypeople, with reference to this process of youth ministry, in the different stages of the university process. This is a new project.

The idea is that these eight people should live  not only as a mixed community, but also as a community of reference. And in some way they will come together, be attentive to and coordinate certain provincial activities existing in the country. That is to say, they are a reference for the university world and  they are in our youth group.”


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