2009-01-29 GENERAL HOUSE

A Digital Research Tool

A news item that appeared on this website under the date January 6, 2009, highlighted the hundredth anniversary of the first issue of the ?Bulletin de l?Institut.? The item provoked questions about this literary element contained in Marist Brothers patrimony and about the patrimony in general.

The ?Bulletin? (to call the publication by its common designation) is a historical resource, an archival treasure with a highly varied content. In it are to be found in chronological fashion the various pathways followed by the Marist Brothers? institutional history from l909 to l984. Thus the Bulletin constitutes an archive of seventy-five years of Marist Brothers? life and experience. Besides the historical information that the Bulletin contains, one may find in its pages no small quantity of material dealing especially with pedagogy and spirituality, both topics as seen from the Marist Brothers? point of view.

Now the Communications team has worked up in digital format (Word) the index to the contents of the Bulletin?s thirty-one volumes which can be found in the libraries of many Marist Brother communities. While waiting for Brother Louis Richard to complete his work on transferring into digital form the text of the thirty-one volumes, we are placing the index at the disposition of our website visitors as a working tool. We do not doubt that the index will be of great value to researchers and for those who are curious about various details that can be found in this highly valuable source which the Bulletin is.

In the not distant future, we will be able to transform the indices into a data base that will assist in being able to carry out research on various topics that are found in the Bulletin.

In the meantime, the practical way in which to conduct research is to use Word?s search function, ?Find and replace.? In order to conduct a multiple search upon the same subject, look for the option stating, ?Highlight all items found in:?. Using this option, you can find the word or phrase you are looking for, as appearing in the entire text upon which you are doing your research.

Download Index of the Bulletins of the Institute- 900 kb | A century of history in 31 volumes


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