2014-01-24 MEXICO

Among the young and also at home!

From 25 to 30 December, the Brothers of the Province of México Occidental held their retreat in the house of Loma Bonita. Although the days were quite cool from the prolonged rains in the city, the contagious freshness and novelty of the youth invited impregnated the atmosphere of the Marist retreat.  The last three provincial retreats have sought to echo the calls of the XXI General Chapter: the first “seeking to centre our lives in Jesus of Nazareth”; in the second, a group of lay people were invited to share the spirituality and charism; and at the third, we had a group of young people from all over the province as participants.

Thus a group of 42 Marist youth came to Loma Bonita to take part and assist in describing the complex realities of youth in the different parts of the country. At the meeting, the young people expressed the major fears they have to face at present and the reasons for hope from which they draw strength.

After two days of activity with the young people, we shared a meal in the auditorium Marcelino Champagnat of the Colegio Cervantes Primaria, where some Brothers and young people displayed their talents in farewelling the youth returning the next day to their homes.

The Brothers, for their part, continued with the retreat, taking a whole day in silent prayer to discover the calls that God was making to each one from his personal and community situation.

Brother Provincial Eduardo Navarro concluded the retreat with some “family news”. 



Br Jerome N?Sanda...


Pontifical University of Rio Grande do Sul...