Being a bridge towards a new beginning
The Extended General Council meeting of the Brazil and Cono Sur regions began on March 1, under the theme “Being a bridge towards a new beginning,” in Recanto Champagnat, in Florianopolis, Brazil.
Participants include 40 brothers of the General Council in Rome, the two Provincial Councils of the Brazil region – Brasil Sul-Amazônia, Brasil Centro-Norte and Brasil Centro-Sul – and of the Cono Sur region – Santa Maria de los Andes, Cruz del Sur and the District of Paraguay.
Superior general Brother Emili Turú gave the welcoming speech, lead a moment of prayer, introduced the participants and explained the goals of the gathering.
Then, Brother Ernesto Sánchez gave a presentation of the new Vatican document titled “Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in the Church”, which will be the leitmotif of the dialogue throughout the encounter, which runs until Saturday, March 5.
The day’s activities ended in the evening with a Eucharistic celebration at the St Marcellin Champagnat Chapel.
Florianópolis, 1 – 5 de março de 2016
Posted by Fms Champagnat on miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016