?Belonging to a global body?
The Conference of the Provincials of Europe (CEM) gathered in Guardamar, Spain, on Nov. 4 and 5. The event happened after Europe’s extended general council – the general council and CEM’s provincial councils – met from Oct. 31 – Nov. 3.
General councillors who are council links for Europe, Brothers Ernesto Sánchez and Antonio Ramalho, were among the participants at the CEM’s meeting.
The encounter’s two important moments were firstly, the Assembly of the Provincial Councils of the CEM and secondly, the Conference’s meeting (the provincials and one more councillor per province). Some of the topics that are crucial for Marist Europe were analysed.
Below are three of them.
1. New operating models of animation, governance and administration
Luca Olivari and Brother Carlos Alberto Rojas presented the topic on behalf of the general administration. In their presentation, they showed the macro vision of the Institute, revealing particularly what has been done throughout the Institute’s different regions. There is a document on this important aspect in the Institute’s life which clarifies the roles of those involved in this process. It is a project which stresses the perception of the Marist Institute as a global body.
2. European Network of the Marist Mission
Another topic that was covered with the whole group of the Assembly of the Provincial Councils of the CEM was the European Network of Marist Mission, within the very current and well known perspective: “2017 – A new beginning.”
It is a topic that has already been covered in other encounters of the CEM (Athens, October 2015; Lisbon, May 2016) and that wants to ensure vitality of the Marist life in Europe from a common vision. There are two main goals: 1) to strengthen the Marist identity and the feeling of belonging in the European context and as integral part of the Institute as a global body; 2) creating a European structure of leadership to coordinate and animate the Marist Mission in Europe.
This is applied to the fields of the different aspects of the Marist mission: pastoral / animation, formation, solidarity, education, human resources, economy, communication…
3. More specific topics of the CEM
Information was given to the whole Assembly of the Councils regarding a European encounter on the protection of minors, which took place from Oct. 3 – 6 also in Guardamar. Specific topics of information were also presented only to the members of the Conference. They were mainly three:
Information on the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY OF SIRACUSA. Brother Juan Carlos, provincial of Mediterránea and provincial of reference for this community spoke about: a) the community’s establishment process; b) the facilities given by the archbishopric; c) visa difficulties; d) the community’s members.
Information on the NETWORK OF COMMUNITIES IN EUROPE. In summary, everyone shares the belief that “it is an initiative that is worth it, but it needs to receive clearer content.”
Information on the CELEBRATION OF THE BICENTENNARY IN THE EUROPEAN PROVINCES. There are many and varied activities that are scheduled in the different provinces.